Tall Growing Full Sun Shrubs

Welcome to Wingard’s most popular, tall growing (6-7+ ft) full sun shrubs
Wingard’s has hundreds of varieties of shrubs. Those shown however, are the most popular in recent years. Please note that supplies of specific items may vary. You may call ahead to check availability.
Ilex x crenata
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 6-8 feet tall and 1-3 feet wide at a MODERATE growth rate. It stays in a column shape but produces NO berries.
Evergreen Item #976Hydrangea paniculata
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 6-8 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide, and drops its leaves in the winter. Cone shaped blooms start lime green and mature to shades of pink from summer to fall. It will bloom on new wood and tolerates hard pruning in the spring.
Deciduous Item #2464Ligustrumus Wavis Leafia
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 6-8 feet tall and 5-6 feet wide at a FAST growth rate. It has a fragrant white bloom in the spring time and glossy green foliage. Works well in your yard as a screening plant along fence lines.
Evergreen Item #1008Loropetalum chinense
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 10-12 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide at a FAST growth rate. It produces fuschia blooms in the spring and fall against purple foliage.
Evergreen Item# 95Osmanthus fragrans
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 8-10 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide at a MODERATE growth rate. It produces fragrant white blooms 2-3 times per year. Plant this in your yard as a foundation or screening plant along fence lines or prune into a small tree.
Evergreen Item# 1093Viburnum macrocephalum
This plant likes FULL SUN to PART SHADE. At maturity, it gets 10-15 feet tall and 10-15 feet wide at a MODERATE growth rate. It produces large white blooms in the summer and at times in the fall. Though it loses its leaves in the winter, it works well in your yard as a great accent plant.
Decidous Item# 1106