By Kathy Torres
Happy New Year!!! I can’t think of a better way to start off a new year, than by adding a gorgeous indoor plant to your home. Especially because things look a bit dreary and bare after taking down the Christmas decorations. Lucky for you, Wingard’s Annual Poinsettia Trade-In will begin January 10th! All you need to do is bring in your Poinsettia, which, quite honestly, is probably looking pitiful by now, and you will receive a fresh African Violet. These lovely plants can be tricky to grow, but with a little education on how to care for them, you can do it! But first, I want to send you on a journey to help you find the enthusiasm to try.
While doing my research for this blog, I stumbled on a piece from National Geographic Magazine that captured my attention and sparked my excitement about this delicate flower through the writer’s personal encounter in Tanzania’s Udzungwa National Park. The article, actually a letter to African Violet Society of America, is a charming example of the lure of this enchanting plant specimen. It’s an entertaining read and you can access it HERE.
After reading Andrew’s letter at the link highlighted in the paragraph above, I am sure you will be enticed into trying an African Violet in your home, (and you may even want to plan a trip to Tanzania)! As with any plant, it’s best to know as much as you can about the requirements for it to flourish and remain healthy. I would generally give you that information at this point in my blog, however, the job was made easy this time because Wingard’s has an existing blog that contains all you need to know. Learn all about what African Violets need in terms of Light, Water, Soil, Food and Air by clicking on the link to African Violets 101, right HERE.
There are many species of African Violets and many bloom colors. Also, to give them the best chance to do well, there are many products available made especially for them. So… with all of this in mind, you are cordially invited to visit Wingard’s Market and the friendly, knowledgeable staff will assist you as you begin your own African Violet adventure!
May the new year bring you and your family many blessings and many things blooming!