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Evergreens that satisfy a yearning for the North

By Kathy Torres

It’s no secret that many people from the northern states move south to escape cold weather, ice and snow, high cost of living, to access beach life, or even to get a little closer to SEC Football. (Possible? Probably!) Regardless of the incentive to live in the south, the difference in climate holds both positive and negative realizations when it comes to gardening and landscape characteristics. A much longer growing season is a definite plus, however, with that comes the heat and humidity that can often be challenging to maintaining happy, healthy plants. Milder temperatures in winter with fewer hard freezes creates a great environment for fruit trees, but not so much for the magnificent Cedar, Spruce and Fir trees that line the highways from Maine to Washington State. How wonderful it must be to drive to a nearby tree farm to cut your own Christmas tree! We have no idea of that experience here in the south, but thank goodness we can shop Wingard’s Market (Frasier Firs will be available the Monday before Thanksgiving) and enjoy the wintery fir tree for a little while. So many of the beautiful evergreen trees and shrubs that can be grown up north will just not grow here because our summers are too hot and winters are not cold enough. Customers who have relocated from northern states often visit Wingard’s looking for similar plants that can be substituted for the beloved evergreens they left behind.

Many pyramid-shaped evergreen trees are prominent in northern landscapes. While there are not as many options for us in the south, several come to mind that have the same look. Arborvitae AKA Thuja, variety Green Giant is an excellent evergreen specimen tree (focal point) or screen plant growing to a mature height of 40-60 feet tall and 12-18 feet wide. You may remember the Leyland Cypress tree that was widely planted in recent years. The Leyland Cypress developed disease issues and is no longer recommended. The Arborvitae Green Giant looks very much like the Leyland Cypress and offers a perfect fast growing substitution option. Arizona Cypress ‘Carolina Sapphire’ (developed by Clemson University and South Carolina Forestry Commission) is another attractive pyramid-shaped evergreen with a lighter, silvery blue-green color, about the same mature size, also very fast growing. Both thrive in full or part sun (at least 6 hours), are drought tolerant once established, and can stand the heat and humidity. Cuttings are long-lasting and perfect for natural Christmas wreaths and garlands. An added plus for Carolina Sapphire is the appearance of small cones in winter on the graceful, airy branches. For a smaller pyramid-shaped evergreen, Blue Point Juniper is a contender with a mature height of 12 feet and width of 6-8 feet. Blue Point is densely branched with blue-green foliage, grows at a moderate rate, and also thrives in full to part sun.

All three of these tree varieties require little or no pruning to maintain their shape and density. Just be sure to plant the big ones in a spot that will handle their mature size. If you’re planting several in a line for screening, don’t plant them too close together or you may be inviting disease problems due to lack of air flow once they are mature. For both the Green Giant and the Carolina Sapphire, a distance of 6-8 feet apart is best; plant Blue Point Juniper trees 4-5 feet apart.

Arborvitae Green Giant
Arborvitae Green Giant
Arizona Cypress Carolina Sapphire
Arizona Cypress Carolina Sapphire
Blue Point Juniper
Blue Point Juniper

A slower growing evergreen, the Eastern Red Cedar is native to South Carolina and can be found all the way from eastern coastal Canada south to the Gulf Coast of the United States (Agricultural zones 2 to 9). Native plants give you an extra advantage because they have adapted to the environment, making them much more likely to thrive when you add them to your landscape. In many cases, established native plants can grow with little to no fertilizer, pesticides, and even irrigation. In this way, native plants generally help protect water resources. The Eastern Red Cedar is really not a Cedar, it’s actually a Juniper (like botanical names aren’t confusing enough). Its dense, blue-green scale-like needles turn bronze in fall. With a mature height anywhere from 30-40 feet tall and 10-20 feet wide, the Eastern Red Cedar offers an excellent habitat for birds; female trees produce blue, berry-like fruit.

Eastern Red Cedar
Eastern Red Cedar
Berries of Eastern Red Cedar
Berries of Eastern Red Cedar

A more ornamental conifer (another word for evergreen trees that produce cones), is Japanese Cryptomeria, AKA Japanese Cedar. This tree, known as sugi in Japan, is the national tree. It is perfect to stand alone for interest in a sunny spot in the landscape, with small cones appearing in fall. As it grows, branches separate, making it’s appearance slightly less dense and pyramidal than some of the trees mentioned above. Very slow growing, it may not be the best choice for a hedge or screen. It may reach 50-70 feet tall and 20-30 feet wide, but probably not in your lifetime. Don’t let this discourage you, because the beauty and interest of Japanese Crytomeria, even when it’s small, makes a special, out of the ordinary, addition to any garden bed. Also, if you’re in to Bonsai, it’s a perfect candidate.

Cones of Cryptomeria
Cones of Cryptomeria

Now that you have a few ideas for trees to give you that “northern” feel, consider other evergreens that provide year round foliage and compliment them. Most southern landscapes contain a combination of deciduous (drops leaves) and evergreen plantings. Because our winter is fairly short, we can handle the bare branches for a bit, however, they are certainly less noticeable when mixed with evergreens. Here are a few “southern” evergreens that we highly recommend.

Japanese Plum Yew, Cephalotaxus harringtonia, is a wonderful alternative to boxwood for a low growing, evergreen border/hedge. Native to Japan, northeastern China, and Korea, it is often cultivated for its edible fruit (must have both male and female plants). Japanese Plum Yew is different from Japanese Yew, Taxus cuspidata, which bares poisonous seeds and leaves. Look for the botanical name when you are looking for it to distinguish the varieties. Many Yew varieties do not tolerate heat like we have in the south, however Japanese Plum Yew is suitable for USDA Zones 6 to 9 (we are 8). The ‘Yewtopia’ cultivar has a growth habit which is rounded and spreading, usually wider than tall. Mature size is 2-3 feet tall by 4+ feet wide. In our warm climate, this Yew prefers part sun (morning sun, afternoon shade) or full shade and well-drained soil. The lush, dark green foliage is needle-shaped with a lighter green underside. Perfect for mass plantings, Japanese Plum Yew maintains its color year round. It is not likely to need pruning, and will typically not have disease and pest problems. Another cultivar, Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘fastigiata’ is upright, reaches 8-10 feet in height, making it a great specimen plant in a garden bed.

Cephalotaxus harringtonia
Cephalotaxus harringtonia
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'fastigiata'
Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘fastigata’

Podocarpus is another Yew-like shrub/tree, though not actually in the Yew family. The foliage looks exactly the same, and it shares the same growing requirements, but the common variety can grow quite tall (10-15 feet). Podocarpus is easily pruned to whatever shape you desire. You’re likely to see this plant espaliered (pruned to grow on a trellis) or planted in rows to create a garden wall, adding a formal touch. Because it is slow growing, pruning is really only needed for shaping. On your next visit to Charleston, peek through the gate of one of the historical homes on Meeting Street and you’re likely to see it.

Podocarpus Topiary
Podocarpus Topiary
Podocarpus Espalier
Podocarpus Espalier

There are many other evergreen trees and shrubs that will provide year round greenery, some with the added benefit of blooms or berries. Holly trees and shrubs make wonderful anchor plants on the corner of a home or as a focal point in a garden bed. Rich, green foliage serves as the backdrop for the prickly foliage and red berries appearing in winter. The “Big Mama” of the Holly family is Nellie Stevens, growing as tall as 30 feet and just slightly less in width. Needle Point is another variety, not quite as enormous as Nellie Stevens, with a mature height and width of 15-20 feet. Both of these varieties have a natural, Christmas tree shape. For a more compact, round shrub, try Dwarf Burfordi Holly, great for foundation planting or a hedge. It will grow 4-5 feet tall and wide.

Nellie Stevens
Nellie Stevens
Needle Point
Needle Point
Dwarf Burfordi
Dwarf Burfordi

Did I mention blooms? Two favorite evergreens for the landscape with gorgeous blooms are Magnolia and Camellia. Not likely to survive in northern climates, these beauties represent yet another reason to move down south! The Southern Magnolia is a large, broadleaf evergreen tree that is known for attractive glossy dark green leaves and large, extremely fragrant flowers appearing in summer. Pyramidal in growth habit, Southern Magnolia typically grows 60-80 feet tall with a spread of 20-40 feet wide, and a trunk diameter of 3 feet. Full or part sun is best (at least 6 hours). Magnolias are one of the oldest known tree species in the world. Common varieties include Brackens Brown Beauty, Kay Parris and Claudia Wannamaker. If your landscape isn’t large enough to accommodate the big guys, there are other smaller varieties, such as Little Gem and Teddy Bear that won’t require as much space and will give you the same beautiful foliage and blooms.

Magnolia Bloom
Magnolia Bloom
Southern Magnolia
Southern Magnolia

Finally, the Classic Camellia is a must for the southern landscape. As summer’s end approaches, many of the stunning flowers you planted are looking a bit scorched, the rose bushes have lost the fresh appearance you enjoyed in the early spring, and soon the branches on the deciduous shrubs and trees will be bare. Camellia sasanqua is about to shine as buds appear amid the waxy, deep green foliage. Blooms will begin to appear in October or November. Camellia japonica will bloom in the winter months (December to March). Camellias are available in many sizes with a variety of bloom colors, and both types (sasanqua and japonica) are evergreen. Camellia japonica is shade loving, however, some sun is needed to encourage blooming. It’s best to avoid planting in full sun; morning sun/afternoon shade or filtered sun is best. Camellia sasanqua can take more sun, but full sun is still too much, so use the same philosophy for both. Avoid planting in dense shade because it will likely prohibit blooming. Fall is the best time to plant, and I have it on good authority that Wingard’s camellia inventory is fully stocked!

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'
Camellia sasanqua ‘Yuletide’
Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection'
Camellia japonica ‘Pink Perfection’

NOTE: For more on Camellias, click HERE for Wingard’s Blog entitled “The Classic Camellia.”

As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, most “northerners” who live here in the south are probably grateful that a snow shovel is not a part of life anymore, but, there may be a yearning for the familiar landscape they used to know. We can’t capture it exactly, but there are many beautiful substitutes that may just fill the void. So, consider trying a few trees and shrubs that remind you of that place you lived before… and embrace a few southern treasures now that you’re here. The staff at Wingard’s Market are always available to help you make the transition!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Spotlight On Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental Grasses

by Kathy Torres

The more you experiment in landscaping, the more likely you are to realize that you don’t want every shrub in the yard to be green. In addition to variations in color, a pleasing design will include different plant sizes, leaf shapes and textures. Ornamental grasses provide a breezy, moving plant form that contrasts with existing shrubs and flowers, often producing striking plumes that add to the show. Planted as a focal point, a backdrop for other plant specimens, a border, or even around a pool to create a “pond-in-a-meadow” or a “coastal” feeling, ornamental grasses provide great versatility. Great for erosion control, grasses can be a problem-solver as well. Add to that… low-maintenance, drought tolerance, resistance to disease, and what’s not to love? In fact, many varieties of ornamental grasses are not enticing to deer, a much sought after plant characteristic in our neck of the woods.

Many different size options are available from Pampas grass, with its wide blades and fluffy, white plumes, reaching up to 10 ft. tall and wide, to Blue Fescue grass, with its spiky, silvery blue foliage, one of the smallest varieties growing 1-2 ft. tall and wide. More to come on other types/varieties described below. Cultivars may be annual, perennial, or evergreen and are easily adaptable to most soil types. For best results, plant in full sun, however, many varieties can handle part shade with a minimum of 6 hours of direct sun.

Care requirements will vary depending on the grass type you have. Annual grasses are good for one season and will not survive freezing temperatures. Some perennial grasses will turn brown in winter and can be cut back before new spring growth begins to appear. Other perennial grasses may not turn totally brown, but may show slight winter damage, and a cut back is likely necessary for them as well. Evergreen grasses are fairly maintenance free, but it’s a good idea to trim every couple of years to keep them in shape. Most ornamental grasses can be divided, and this will encourage good plant health.

In the scientific, botanical world, there are plants considered and named as actual “grasses” and then there are “grass-like” plants. Because they are all popular and work well in the landscape, (and all look like grasses), we include them in the family of ornamental grasses, the garden center family, that is, not the botanical family. Anyway, here are some of our favorite grasses:

MAIDEN GRASS, Miscanthus sinensis, is perennial and has a graceful, vase-like shape that displays a soft, airy texture. When it blooms, the foliage is topped by silvery seed heads. There are dwarf and large varieties available for any size garden.

Miscanthus Sinesis
Adagio, 3-5 ft. tall x 3-4 ft. wide

Gracillimus, 4-7 ft. tall x 3-6 ft. wide

Zebrinius, 5-8 ft. tall x 4-6 ft. with variegated leaf blades

MUHLY GRASS, Muhlenbergia capillaris, reaches 2-3 ft. tall x 1-3 ft. wide. This perennial grass is best planted in the spring or fall, a month or so before frost is expected. The long, slender shoots of grass are green and as fall approaches, soft, pink “cotton candy” type flowers appear. Plant in groups or as a border for the full impact of the fuzzy mass of pink or white.

Pink Muhly Grass White Cloud Muhly

LOMANDRA longifolia, AKA Mat Rush, originating from Australia, is an evergreen ornamental grass with medium green, thick, strap-like leaves, accented by spiny flower spikes with tiny creamy yellow male flowers. Plant in full sun to moderate shade. Lomandra is winter hardy to 15-20 degrees. This is a drought tolerant plant once established, particularly when grown in some shade along the coast, but can also tolerate regular irrigation or even wet soils.

Lomandra Longifolia
Breeze, 2-3 ft. tall x 3-4 ft. wide

Katrinus, 2-3 ft. tall x 3-4 ft. wide with wider leaf blades

Platinum Beauty, 2-3 ft. tall x 2-3 ft. wide with variegated leaf blades

PENNISETUM GRASS, AKA Fountain Grass, includes many ornamental grasses, both annual and perennial, ranging in size from 1-4 ft. in height. Known for soft, fuzzy flower plumes, they add interest and airy texture to the garden, or make a perfect “thriller” in a container garden on the patio or deck. Foliage color varies from green to burgundy or purple, and include variegated colors. The flowers are perfect for cut and dried flower arrangements.

Rubrum (Annual) 4’hx 4’w Hameln
Hameln Fountain Grass
(Perennial) 3’h x 3’w KarleyRose
Karley Rose Fountain Grass
(Perennial) 3’h x 3’w

SWITCHGRASS, Panicum virgatum, AKA Prairie Grass is a tough perennial grass that has dominated the tall-grass prairies of North America. Upright and sturdy, this narrow ornamental grass serves well as a backdrop to lower growing shrubs or flowers in the landscape. Green stalks/blades may have hints of blue, burgundy or red. In winter, dried flower heads provide interest. Height varies from 3-8 ft. with a typical width of 2-3ft.

Heavy Metal 5’h x 2’w
Hameln Fountain Grass
Cloud Nine 8’h x 3’w
Karley Rose Fountain Grass
Shenandoah 4’h x 2’w

Feather Reed Grass FEATHER REED GRASS, Calamagrostis x acutiflora, similar to Switchgrass, provides showy color and impressive height (3-5 ft. tall and 18-24 inches wide), emerging in spring with a reddish hue. Leaf blades become variegated as they mature and airy, pinkish-purple plumes appearing later in the warm season. Plant this perennial grass individually, in groups or rows, in full or part sun (minimum of 6 hours).


Strawberries & CreamRIBBON GRASS, Phalaris arundinacea, has an upright, arching growth habit, with white-striped foliage blushed with pink. In early summer, panicles of soft white flowers appear. This aggressive grower can handle wet feet, making it great for a pond border. Try it in a large container garden mixed with colorful annuals or perennials. Cut this perennial grass back in winter for fresh, new foliage in spring. Plant in full sun or part shade (minimum of 6 hours).

Strawberries and Cream, 3 ft. tall x 3 ft. wide

Blue FescueBLUE FESCUE, Festuca glauca, an evergreen grass native to southern France, has a distinct silver-blue color with upright plumes appearing in late summer. It can handle the cold temperatures of winter, as well as the hot, humid summer in South Carolina. Small and compact (8-12 inches tall and wide at maturity), Blue Fescue is perfect as an accent, in mass plantings, containers, and because it is drought tolerant, even in crevices of rock gardens. Dividing every 2-4 years will keep it healthy and growing strong.

Elijah Blue is a common variety.

Pampas GrassPAMPAS GRASS, Cortaderia selloana, is the “Big Daddy” of perennial ornamental grasses, growing up to 10 feet tall, with dramatic plumes in white or pink. It should be planted in full sun in an area big enough to handle its mature size. Water it well when first planted, but you can pretty much ignore it once established. Divide it occasionally to keep it under control. Pampas grass is great in coastal or lake front areas and for providing privacy screening, or camouflaging HVAC units or undesirable views. Because it is highly flammable, don’t plant it near a grill or fire pit. The leaves or blades of Pampas grass are razor-sharp, so be sure to wear eye protection, gloves and long sleeves when pruning.

Liriope LilyturfLIRIOPE, AKA Lilyturf or Monkey Grass, is a fast-growing groundcover or border plant. The two most prominent species found here are Liriope muscari and Liriope spicata. Muscari is more clumping and spicata is a spreader. Most Liriope grows to a height of 10-18 inches and a width of 12-18 inches. Typically, the color is dark green, however, there are variegated cultivars available as well. Blooms (usually purple) appear on stalks in summer followed by bluish-black berries in the fall. Extremely tough, Liriope will grow in deep sun or shade. It’s evergreen, however, a good cut back in winter will encourage fresh growth in spring.

Mundo Grass MONDO GRASS, Ophiopogon japonicus, is another evergreen, sod-forming perennial very similar to Liriope that prefers shade, also available in a dwarf size that reaches only 4 inches. It’s a great groundcover under a tree or other area where most lawn grasses fail.

Clemson University has online fact sheets on both Liriope and Mondo grasses. For more information go to LIRIOPE and MONDO.

SEDGE, Carex is a large genus of grass-like perennial plants similar to Liriope and Mondo in appearance and use in the landscape. No flowers or berries appear, however Carex offers a bit more variety in color. Carex Everillo is a beautiful, chartreuse cultivar, providing contrast when placed among shrubs in a garden bed or flowers in a container garden. Carex Evergold is gold and green variegated, and Carex Cherokee is solid green and native to the Southeastern United States. Mature size for these varieties is about 1-1.5 ft. tall and wide, although Cherokee is a little smaller. Part sun is best for Carex and a late winter or early spring cutback might be necessary, but many species thrive without it.

Sedge / Carex Sedge / Carex Sedge / Carex

Creating a landscape plan can be overwhelming with so many choices of plant types, sizes and colors, incorporating textures and interest, in addition to learning about how to maintain and keep it all healthy and looking good. Consider ornamental grasses as part of your design for a component that will be EASY! Most will require very little attention once established, so you can expend your energy on other areas. Ornamental grasses can provide a distinctive impact that is steadfast year after year with very little care needed. As you’re driving around town, keep an eye out for the striking plumes. Fall is approaching and it’s time for them to show off. You’ll love them, I promise!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Scent-Sational Plants For The Garden

Simply Scentsational® Sweetshrub Flowers and Foliage

By Kathy Torres

Is there anything more satisfying than the smell of homemade bread or cookies in the oven? How about the air as a rainstorm begins? Or the smells of Christmas… fresh Frasier fir trees, cinnamon, and peppermint? Basically, certain fragrances bring us joy and contentment, remind us of fond memories and, in general, raise the level of our “happy” meter. A good example is evident in the growing business of aromatherapy. Essential oils, which are made from phytochemicals of plants, provide scents that are known for boosting mood, reducing stress, anxiety and pain, improving attentiveness, and relieving inflammation, nausea and headaches.

Growing fragrant plants in the garden is a wonderful way to reap these rewards, by strategically placing them in your landscape in spots near a patio, walkway, entrance or other area you frequent. Creating an herb garden in a pot or along-side of your vegetable garden offers a delightfully fragrant area of the landscape, providing wonderful foliage that can be enjoyed as is, or harvested for cooking. A sunny windowsill allows you to bring the herb garden right into your kitchen!

All herbs are fragrant, so it’s just a matter of planting what you like and following placement instruction (most like the sun but will do great in part shade). If you need a little guidance on which shrubs, trees, perennials, etc. are fragrant, here are some to think about:


My all-time favorite shrub (I think every yard should have one) is Fragrant Tea Olive, Osmanthus fragrans. This evergreen shrub grows quickly to its maximum height of 10-12 feet in full sun or part shade. It can grow naturally as a dense, tall shrub, or can be pruned as a small tree by removing the lower branches. It’s not particularly bothered by insects or fungus and is fairly drought tolerant once established. I saved the best part for last… small, white blooms appear 2-3 times during the growing season and the sweet smell is delightful! There is also a variety that blooms orange, Fragrant Tea Olive, Aurantiacus.

Close up of leaves and flowers'Aurantiacus' Leaves & Flowers - Wake Co., NC

Nothing says southern sweetness like the Gardenia, Gardenia jasminoids. Deep green, glossy leaves surround the intoxicating, creamy-white blooms on this evergreen shrub. Gardenias prefer acidic, well-drained soil, rich with organic matter. They love full sun and humidity, which is a perfect fit for South Carolina summers. One of the first varieties cultivated and a larger-growing variety, August Beauty stands out with a mature height of 4-6 feet and is good for hedges or as a focal point. Dwarf varieties (some) have more elongated, pointed leaves and are suitable for a container. Often used as a low growing hedge, dwarf Gardenias reach a mature size of 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide. White flies can be a problem for Gardenias, so keep an eye out and spray as needed. There are over 200 varieties of Gardenias; some that you are likely to find at Wingard’s include August Beauty, Scentsation, Frost Proof, and Heaven Scent.

Close Up :: Credit :: ©Monrovia by Doreen Wynja 153-365 020610 dwarf gardenia blooming | David Stabler | Flickr

An amazing specimen plant for a shady area in your landscape is Edgeworthia chrysantha, AKA Paperbush, named for the Irish botanist, Michael Pakenham Edgeworth and his half-sister, Maria Edgeworth. Chrysantha refers to its winter blooming golden yellow flowers that appear on bare branches. Paperbush, the common name, is from its use in producing quality paper. Fast-growing, Edgeworthia can reach up to 7 feet tall by 7 feet wide, and thrives in well-enriched, moist soil. In spring, after blooms are spent, the plant sports lovely bluish foliage with silvery undertones, turning yellow and dropping in the fall. Be sure to snip a few blooms to keep the house fragrant through the winter.


Sweetshrub, Calycanthus floridus (Native) AKA Carolina Allspice, Spicebush or Strawberry Bush is known for its reddish-brown to dark wine-colored blooms. There are several opinions as to the smell of the scented flowers; some detect hints of strawberries, pineapples, or melons, others refer to a “spicy” aroma. Even the foliage and bark have an odor of cloves or camphor when crushed. Sweetshrub is easy to grow in your yard or garden and can reach up to 9 feet tall with a spread up to 12 feet. Plant in shade or part shade (morning sun only), in neutral to mildly acidic soil. Once established, you will find it to be drought tolerant. Watch for the flowers to start opening in mid-spring. Green foliage will turn yellow, eventually falling when temperatures get cool. Be sure you don’t confuse Sweetshrub/Carolina Allspice with the herb, Allspice. Sweetshrub is toxic and should not be consumed by humans or pets.

Sweetshrub | Plant Profile – Sylvan Gardens Landscape Contractors10 Seeds Strawberry Shrub Sweetshrub Calycanthus Floridus - Other Seeds ...

Details on other fragrant shrubs that may interest you can be found at these links: Winter Daphne, Banana Shrub, Mock Orange, Clethra, Witch Hazel (Native), Buttonbush (Native)


One of the most well-known trees with fragrant blooms is the iconic Magnolia. Numerous varieties have been cultivated, both evergreen and deciduous, large and small. The “old fashioned” Magnolias can grow to be massive. Smaller, hybrid Magnolias, such as Tulip and Saucer Magnolias are perfect specimen trees, providing a lovely focal point in a garden bed. The following grow well in the Midlands, and are likely to be found at Wingard’s:

The Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora is the BIG ONE! Part shade is ideal and it will grow to a mature height of 50-60 feet and a width of 30-40 feet. Although leaves will drop in the spring as new growth appears, it is considered evergreen. Southern Magnolia is noted for its attractive glossy dark green leaves and large, extremely fragrant flowers appearing in the summer months. The woody brown fruits with bright red seeds are often used in dried arrangements. Growth habit is pyramidal with low hanging bottom branches and a potential trunk diameter of 3 feet. Magnolias are one of the oldest known tree species in the world.

What to Plant Under a Southern Magnolia – P. Allen SmithFruit

If you don’t have the space for the BIG ONE, don’t be discouraged… Compact selections are available that won’t swallow the entire yard. They include these Native varieties… Teddy Bear (16-20-feet tall, 10-12 feet wide), Brackens Brown Beauty (35 feet tall, 15 feet wide) and Little Gem (20-25 feet tall, 10-15 feet wide).

Royal Star Magnolia, Magnolia stellata, is a deciduous, dwarf flowering Magnolia with star-shaped flowers that produce a lovely, lemony fragrance. Jane Magnolia is another deciduous dwarf Magnolia variety, often referred to as “Tulip Magnolia” due to its purple and red, tulip-like blooms with white centers. Jane’s blooms are slightly fragrant. Both Royal Star and Jane prefer part shade and bloom in early spring on bare branches. Leaves come out after blooms fall; height reaches around 15 feet.

Magnolia stellataJane Magnolia - Spring - Shade Tree Farm | Shade Tree Farm

Yoshino Cherry, Prunus x yedoensis, is one of the most popular Cherry trees, widely photographed in Washington, DC’s Potomac Park. Considered a small tree, Yoshino is deciduous and grows to 25-30 feet, making a spectacle of itself as bare branches are smothered with clusters of pale pink blooms that fade to white in early spring. A sweet almond scent accompanies the blooms giving way after a few weeks to small, shiny, black fruits, which are devoured by birds. Dark green leaves emerge to form a summer canopy. The Yoshino Cherry tree grows in full sun and may require some pruning to maintain air flow between the branches to keep it healthy. Keep an eye out for pests and treat as needed.

Yoshino Cherry Trees for Sale | BrighterBlooms.comYoshino Cherry Trees for Sale |

Cherry Laurel, Prunus laurocerasus (Native) may be grown primarily for its glossy green leaves, but also has sweet-smelling, 2-5 inch flower spikes with long-lasting white spring blooms. As the flowers fade, red fruits form then fade to black. The inconspicuous fruits are not edible to humans, but the birds love them! Mature height can be 18 feet by 30 feet width, however, there are more compact varieties. Cherry Laurel will grow in almost any soil type, although good drainage is a must, and it thrives in part shade (avoid afternoon sun, morning sun is best).

PlantFiles Pictures: Carolina Cherry Laurel 'Compacta' (Prunus ...Cherry Laurel | AustinTexas.govCherry Laurel Shrubs for Sale–

Check out these links for information on other fragrant trees: Profusion Crabapple, Tulip Poplar (Native), Apple


Carolina Jessamine: Vine of the South. | HeySmokies
Carolina Jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens (Native) covers fences and trees in open woodlands and along roadsides throughout the Southeast with its slender vines and bright yellow flowers. It is the state flower of South Carolina. Sweetly scented, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers cover the cascading, fine textured foliage from February to April. Vines can reach 20 feet long and will thrive in full sun. It is attractive on an arbor where the slender branches hung with yellow flowers can be seen from below.

| Amethyst Falls Wisteria | Evans Nursery

Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ (Native) is a deciduous, twining vine which grows at about a third of the rate of Asian wisteria. Blooms at an early age, with lightly fragrant purple racemes weeping gracefully downward. Train it up an arbor or trellis for a beautiful show in spring. Plant in full sun for abundant blooms.

Additional fragrant vines can be found at these links: Honeysuckle, Confederate Jasmine


Bee Balm Care in Vermont

Bee Balm, Monarda (Native) is a beloved perennial not only for its beautiful blooms, but for its fragrant foliage. The Bee Balm flower displays an open, daisy-like shape with tubular petals. The colorful flowers develop on the ends of square-stemmed stalks above the main foliage and bloom in mid-summer. Moist, rich soil and a sunny location are preferred, and as the name indicates… the bees love it (hummingbirds, too)!

Hyacinthus Orientalis 'Aida' Hyacinth from ADR Bulbs

Hyacinth orientalis or the common Hyacinth, is a fragrant flowering bulb that blooms early to mid-spring. Hyacinths produce showy flowers in shades of blue, purple, white, pink, and red. The flowers appear in thick clusters on tall spikes; each spike has small, deeply fragrant, bell-shaped blooms. Long bright green leaves form around the base of the plant. Find a sunny spot in your landscape with good soil, or plant in a pretty pot on your patio. Hyacinths will be one of the first spring flowers to pop up.

A bush of white flowers Description automatically generated
Phlox paniculata (Native) is compact, low-maintenance and long-blooming. Known for a spicy, vanilla-clove fragrance, Phlox is dense and clumping, reaching up to 16 inches tall and 18 inches wide. Establishes quickly with full sun and well-drained soil.

Check out a few other fragrant perennials at these links:

Daffodils, Agastache/Giant Hissop,

Oriental Lily, Peonies

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare

Mr. Lincoln rose seeds 10 count germination instructions image 1
It seems we should consider ROSES at the top of the list when it comes to fragrance, but the truth is… There are SO MANY varieties of roses and many are not fragrant. Some are, and one that always comes to mind for me is Mr. Lincoln, a striking hybrid tea rose with very large, double, velvet wine-red flowers, up to 5 in. across, having as many as 26-40 petals. The fragrance is captivating, so much that you will want to always keep a cutting in a vase! Next year, be sure to check out Wingard’s website for the rose varieties that have been ordered for spring and look for those that are fragrant. The description usually gives you a heads-up. You can even order ahead if you want to be sure to get a particular variety.

Spending time gardening is such a fulfilling use of our senses. Seeing the beauty of plant forms, textures and colors is a delight to the eyes. Hearing the birds chirping, or the breeze rustling the tree branches, or even the quiet is pleasing to the ear. Holding a plant by its root ball and gently placing it in the hole you dug, tamping down the soil, awakens the hands. Taking in the smells of the freshly cut grass, or the Fragrant Tea Olive planted by the front door as you enter your home, or gathering herbs for a special dish you plan to cook for dinner, creates a special feeling, just like opening the door to the smell of homemade bread baking in the oven. And last, but maybe the best of all the senses is satisfied when you walk past the cherry tomato plants, pick a couple and pop them in your mouth. Yum!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

WATER…The Essential Element

watering can in garden sprinkler system in yard watering hose being used by a gardener


By Kathy Torres

Water is critical for a healthy garden and landscape, however, it’s not exactly easy to determine how often and how much is necessary to keep plants looking good and thriving.  Overwatering, as well as not watering enough are mistakes that can cause problems, and unfortunately, there isn’t a specific formula.  Getting it just right can be complicated because of these variables:  Water requirements specific to plant varieties, soil type/quality, sun exposure, temperature, plant maturity, and overall growing environment.

Let’s elaborate on the variables…

Water Requirements Specific to Plant Varieties – There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to adequate watering.  So many different plants exist and each has its own needs in terms of sun, soil, nutrients, and water.  Dessert plants like Agave, Cactus, or Succulents like almost ignored and do not need much water.  Other specimens like Iris and Elephant Ear like the soil to be damp. River Birch trees are perfect for the edge of a pond, lake or river because their roots can stay wet.  Most plants like a good, deep watering, and then time to dry out before watering again, however, this is NOT ALWAYS the case.  It’s a good idea to have some knowledge of a plant’s general growing requirements when determining the location in the garden. It will keep watering simple if you plant a new specimen near other plants with similar water requirements. In this way, there is no need to readjust an irrigation system or watering schedule, since all the plants in the group have similar needs.

Soil Type/Quality – Planting in a container is ideal because you can make sure to use a professionally prepared potting mix that provides exactly what is needed.  NOTE:  one or more drainage holes in a container/pot are a must!   Ultimately, in all planting areas, you want proper drainage, as well as a good growing medium with proper nutrients.  The soil in your landscape may not, unfortunately, be the best possible growing medium for your plants.  Soil in the Midlands can be sandy, clay, loamy, or a combination of all of these.   Sandy soil allows water to seep through quickly, causing plants to dry out quickly.  Clay soil holds water because it is very dense.  If plants in clay soil are overwatered, roots may rot.  At Wingard’s, we recommend using one of our soil amendments to enhance the existing soil if needed to adjust the drainage capability, texture, and nutrient value to give plants a better chance to thrive.  Typically, sandy soil needs more water, clay needs less, and loamy is somewhere in-between.

Sun Exposure – Every single plant specimen is suited to a particular amount of direct sun.  Some like a lot and some are ok without any at all.  It’s very important to know this characteristic and you can usually find this on the plant tag.  As you know, full sun (morning AND afternoon, or just afternoon) in this area of the country is extremely hot in the summer months, so understand that these plants will need more water than those in areas of more shade because the soil will dry out faster.  The exception is clay.  Checking the soil before watering (more about this below) is key to avoiding overdoing it.  Areas of part sun in the morning, or full shade can usually be watered less frequently.

Temperature – Seasonal changes in temperature directly affect how well soil will hold moisture.  Because temperatures are mild in fall and winter here, fall annuals like Pansies grow well in full sun, and don’t require constant watering.  Summer annuals like Petunias, however, will be exposed to much higher temperatures and need frequent watering.  Established shrubs and trees can usually make it ok with water provided by rain showers, but it’s good to pay attention in times of drought.  They may need a little extra watering and we have some advice on that below.  The primary reason we recommend fall and winter for planting trees and shrubs, is because temperatures are cooler, soil doesn’t dry out as fast, and less watering is required because we usually get more rain during this time of year. If you do decide to plant trees and shrubs in the summer, significantly more watering will be required.

Plant MaturityAll plants, including specimens described as drought tolerant, will require water when first planted. This is because the root system is in the early stages of development and many of the smaller roots responsible for water uptake are usually damaged during shipment and planting. Watch new plants carefully and keep them well-watered as their roots settle in and they adapt to their new or transplanted location.  As plants mature, the root system becomes more complex and creates a better system for obtaining water and nutrients, however, if signs of stress are indicated in periods of drought (leaves turning yellow, brown and crispy, dropping off), a little extra watering may be indicated. 

Overall Growing Environment – Additional factors may exist that need to be considered in terms of watering.  One example is planting beneath an existing tree.  In this case, the new plant will be competing with the established plant for water, and extra watering may be needed, especially in the summer.  Are you planting in a damp/wet area?  In this situation, understand that most plants will not survive when the roots stay wet, but there are some plants that can do well.  Just do your research.  Maybe consider a Rain Garden.  Planting on a slope can make it challenging to water appropriately.  Build a small soil wall to contain water while it percolates into the soil, otherwise it will run off.  A soil wall is a good idea for all new plantings, especially shrubs and trees. 

How can you tell when it’s time to water?  Often plants will wilt as the soil becomes too dry. The leaves may droop, and if it’s an upright plant, the top ends may become soft and bend over. Glossy plants may begin to look dull, while thick leaves will shrivel. If you notice these signs, it is time to water! Most plants will revive if watered quickly enough, just be sure to water deeply.  The best way to determine if the soil is dry is to push your finger into the soil an inch or two from the base of the plant.  Perfect soil should feel cool and slightly moist. Some soil should stick to your finger. If none does, it’s too dry.  Some gardeners use water meters to see the precise amount of moisture. If you’re unsure, this tool can be helpful, especially with clay soil. 

The amount of water that is appropriate for your plants or landscape can change from day to day. A cool morning will allow more dew to form and drain to the soil, or a sudden afternoon thunderstorm can be enough water to keep your plants hydrated for a few days. An overly hot day, however, can rapidly deplete water resources and extra watering may be required. Check your plants and landscape regularly to be sure they are getting adequate water and make adjustments as needed to keep them suitably moist without either too much or too little water.

How MUCH water?

Newly Planted Trees or Shrubs (3 or 7 gal) installed in summer – Each plant will need about 1 inch of water a day when daytime temperatures are 90 degrees or higher. (Even more if temperatures exceed 100 degrees.) Put several containers out and put a mark at a depth of 1 inch. Then turn on the irrigation. Determine how long it takes to fill the container to the 1 inch mark. Divide the time by 4 and set the zones to run that
amount of time every other day starting at 5:30 am.  Some zones may need more or less water due to the soil’s ability to drain.  If you are hand-watering, use a shower nozzle on the hose, circle around the root ball until it is soaked to 1 inch (time may vary, depending on your soil type).  Direct the water shower to the ground, rather than the foliage to avoid causing fungus issues.  When the soil dries out (check the soil as recommended above), water again.  When planting in cooler temperatures in spring, fall and winter, less watering is necessary.  Check the soil for dampness every few days and water if soil is dry. 

Trees (15 gal) installed in summer – Take a 5-gallon bucket and put a hole on the side near the bottom using a 1/16 inch drill bit (approximately the diameter of the lead in a #2 pencil). Fill it with water daily, and it will slowly trickle out. Put a brick in the bucket so it doesn’t blow away when it is empty. For larger trees, use more buckets.

Remember to reduce the water when our high temperatures decrease.  If the temperature high is in the:
80’s – water every other day
70’s – water every 3rd day
60’s – water every 4th day
50’s – water once a week

Summer Annuals and Perennials – A general rule for these types of plants is to water deeply, then let the soil dry out in between waterings.  If you check the soil and it is wet or damp, give it a little more time; if the soil is dry, go ahead and water again.  Plants in containers will dry out much faster than those in the ground, so keep that in mind and pay attention to them, especially if they are in full sun.  The general rule applies to most summer annuals and perennials, however, there are a few exceptions, and this is why it’s important to seek advice from the experts in the garden center.  Some may like to stay dry, like Begonias, Pentas, and Vinca (all annuals); if you water them too much, they may rot.  Perennials are often purchased in a bigger size, with a more developed root system, so they can typically hold water a little longer, especially if planted in the ground rather than in a container. The general rule, stated above, usually applies.

Established lawns require approximately 1 inch of water per week in the summer.  Use the container method mentioned above to determine how long to run an irrigation system to get 1 inch of water.  Keep a rain gauge in your yard to help determine if you will still need to water after it rains.  

New lawns – follow the instructions from the installer, or the place of purchase.

It’s not an absolute science, but experience and following these recommendations will get you headed in the right direction.  The key is to understand the factors in your landscape that affect the needs of the plants, and to watch how plants respond.  Either increase or decrease watering if necessary as you observe.  We have created a watering chart to provide additional help for you.  Click HERE.  Also, Clemson Home and Garden Information Center is a great resource for information on all things gardening.  Check out

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Hibiscus, Striking Blooms For Summer Color!

red hibiscus flower purple hibiscus flower
By Kathy Torres

When it comes to big, beautiful blooms in summertime, Hibiscus comes through like no other. Its vibrant bloom colors are showy and dramatic, and although each bloom is short-lived (lasts one day), the plant continues to produce blooms throughout the warm season until frost appears. Tropical Hibiscus is one of the most popular plants for adding color and interest to the home – around pools, patios, decks and other areas used for gathering and enjoying the outdoors. Rose of Sharon, a hardy perennial hibiscus, can withstand cold temperatures and grow anywhere from 5 to 10 ft. tall, making a great focal point in a garden bed. Another category is Perennial Hibiscus. Also known for winter hardiness, it dies back to the ground, but comes back up in spring. Perennial Hibiscus varieties have large blooms, some as large as a dinner plate. The common denominator for all categories of Hibiscus is that each likes the sun! Typically, Hibiscus can handle full sun, however, the summer sun and heat in South Carolina can be brutal, so if placed in all day sun, it is key to provide sufficient water. An area that provides a minimum of 6 hours of sun is ideal and may require a little less water than all day sun. Don’t let your hibiscus dry out, or blooming may be inhibited and leaves will yellow. Hibiscus will not bloom in shady spots. There are differences in these groups of Hibiscus, so let’s get into the details.


pink hibiscus flower plant inside of pot with yellow flowers orange flower
Tropical Hibiscus, Rose senensis, AKA Rose of China, can be found year-round in warm climates like Florida, where the temperatures don’t often, if ever, dip below freezing. In our neck of the woods, however, we consider them to be “annual” plants, and most folks replant each spring. You can certainly overwinter potted Tropical Hibiscus in a protected place like your garage, but make sure it gets some direct sunlight, and don’t forget to water. Common bloom colors include pink, red, orange, salmon, or yellow, and blooms are trumpet shaped often with a contrasting eye in the center. Some, like the examples below, have colorful edging and/or layered petals. Tropical Hibiscus is available in dwarf and standard sizes, reaching heights of 1-2 ft. and 4-5 ft., respectively. Foliage is shiny, dark green, creating a dramatic contrast against blooms, and you will find them in bush, tree and even braided forms. Great in a container garden or standing alone, Tropical Hibiscus is a notable presence in the garden.


Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus, is a member of the mallow family and a relative of Tropical Hibiscus. It is also known as Althea or Hardy Hibiscus, just to add a little more confusion. It is not a rose, in fact, the bloom looks nothing at all like a rose. Good grief! This type of Hibiscus is a woody perennial that drops its leaves in winter, but the branches remain. Think of it as a large, blooming, deciduous shrub. Most cultivars grow 6-12 ft. tall, however, you may find dwarf varieties that only reach 3-4 ft. in height. The large single, semi-double or double flowers can be flat or frilly and open from summer to fall when few other shrubs are blooming. Rose of Sharon grows in an upright, vase shape with dark green, toothed foliage. Flowers range from violet, blue, pink, red, lavender, purple or white, with a prominent stamen and often a dark colored eye. Typical growth rate is about 1-2 ft. per year.


pink flower with green leafs in the background white flower with red center hibiscus bush
Perennial Hibiscus, AKA Hardy Hibiscus, characterized by winter hardiness and oversized blooms, is an exciting addition to any sunny garden space. Blooms start as bulging, pointed buds, slowly opening into striking discs of colors in the red to white color spectrum. Most blooms are one solid color with a contrasting dark eye in the center. Some varieties have light blushes on the outer edge. Foliage will be green or in some varieties Perennial Hibiscus has spectacular deep reddish-green to burgundy leaves, making an even bigger impression in the garden. The plants can reach up to 8 feet tall and should be placed in an area that is protected from wind to keep the stalks from breaking. If you have a wet spot in your garden, this is perfect for Perennial Hibiscus. It does not like to dry out. As winter approaches, leaves will drop and some stalks may remain. Leave them until new growth begins to appear from the ground in spring, then cut off the old stalks. This wonderful specimen plant does not disappoint!

red hibiscus flower in grass

One very popular type of Perennial Hibiscus is Scarlet Swamp Hibiscus, Hibiscus coccineus, AKA Texas Star. A southeastern native with large (6-8 inch wide) brilliant red blooms, Texas Star’s petals are more separated than other hibiscus, giving the blossoms a star-shaped appearance. The leaves are deeply separated into narrow, toothed, finger-like lobes. Mature height is 7 ft.

Hibiscus are generally easy to grow with proper watering and sunlight. Feed them like you would any blooming plant with a high phosphorous (middle number) fertilizer. Look out for Japanese Beetles in late May/June and spray with an insecticide. Thankfully, they don’t hang around too long!

In addition to being absolutely gorgeous in the garden, Hibiscus can also be found in syrups and teas. Curious? You’re invited to Wingard’s (newly expanded) Produce Market to check out these products containing Hibiscus:

Roots & Leaves Elderberry Tonic Figment Kombucha – Hibiscus Cherry Lime Flavor Tea Drops – Hibiscus Glow Flavor

If you’re looking for something with special flair for your garden, Hibiscus, regardless of the type you prefer, will meet the challenge. Providing color and interest throughout the summer, right up until frost, it’s hard to find a better star of the show!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Creating a Tropical Paradise with Banana and Elephant Ear Plants

tropical paradise patio

By Kathy Torres

If you have a pool, or a home on Lake Murray, or you just want to feel like you’re on vacation, it’s easy to bring the feel of the tropics home with a variety of plant selections.  Fortunately, our climate typically supports growing and maintaining tropical banana plants as perennials. These exotic beauties thrive on sun and humidity, so our summers are perfect!   We don’t have a long enough growing season to produce fruit on banana plants, however, these tall, tree-like plants with delicate, elongated leaves can be enjoyed throughout the warm weather year after year, with a cut-back and mulch when frost arrives.  Elephant Ear plants, sometimes considered annuals in our area, can be used as a focal point in the landscape, a stand-alone plant, or a “thriller” in a container garden plant grouping.  Many colors are available, accented with beautiful veining, offering a dramatic effect.  If you take the container garden route, it’s possible to overwinter by bringing it inside to provide protection from the cold temperatures.  

There are a variety of species and cultivars of banana plants, and most that we have access to belong to the genus Musa.  Banana plants originated in Southeast Asia near present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Travelers introduced the plant to Africa sometime in prehistoric times and brought it to South America during the mid-1000s.  While we often hear banana plants referred to as trees, they’re actually large, herbaceous plants. Banana leaves emerge from a corm, which is a swollen, underground stem in a tightly-rolled form. The leaves lead to what looks like a trunk, but the structure is actually a pseudostem and if it were to produce actual bananas, the stem would then be cut away.  Each pseudostem that develops will only produce one time.  It’s not really an issue in this area of the country where fruiting is not likely to occur, but it’s interesting to note and supports the cutting back of the stem(s) in winter. It’s normal procedure for the plant.  Some locals have been known to dig up the banana tree each Fall, cut the leaves off, lay the trunk and roots down, “bury” trunk and roots under heavy mulch in a protected area (crawl space of the house works well), and replant it each Spring.  This technique keeps the trunk from freezing and creates the potential for fruit development over time.

Banana plants are very fast-growing and are not particularly vulnerable to pests.  Mature size varies anywhere from 2 ft. (dwarf varieties) to 15 ft.  They like heavy feeding with a high Nitrogen fertilizer and like to stay moist, but not completely saturated with water. 

Elephant ears, also native to Asia, provide dramatic foliage with their enormous, heart-shaped leaves, ranging from 2-6 ft. long on top of 3-7 ft. stems.  Species Alocasia and Colocasia do well in the Midlands with many varieties and colors available. These tuberous plants can be grown as summer annuals however, Colocasia varieties are often perennial in our agricultural zone. In general, morning sun and afternoon shade are preferred, but if the leaves point up full sun can be tolerated.  Elephant ears prefer fertile, loamy soil that is slightly acidic and they don’t like to dry out.  Keep them wet.  If you’re looking for something to plant around the edge of a pond or in a rain garden, Elephant Ears are perfect for the job.  You may need to dig up the tuber and replant in the spring (after danger of frost) if it is not a type that can hold its own in cold weather.  Bring vulnerable Elephant Ear plants in container gardens into the garage or greenhouse in the winter.  Fertilize regularly with a high Nitrogen fertilizer during the growing season.  If you see aphids, whiteflies, or spider mites, spray an all-purpose plant insecticide to eliminate the little buggers.  See info at the end of the blog for pest control options.  Interesting Fact… Elephant ear is grown as a food crop in much of the tropical world and the traditional Polynesian dish, poi, is made from the tubers. It is, of course, cooked.  Note… The calcium oxalate crystals in the leaves are toxic and very irritating to the mouth (if uncooked), so be sure to keep pets and small children away from Elephant Ears in the garden.

The following (*) Banana and Elephant Ear plants are available right now at my favorite Midlands Garden Center – Wingard’s Market.  Others listed will likely be available later in the season, so check back as the inventory increases.

*Cavendish, Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’

Cavendish, Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish

Mature size 3’ H x 3’ W, will stay smaller in a container, leaves develop maroon/purple coloration that fades.

*Red Abyssinian, Ensete ventricosum

Red Abyssinian, Ensete ventricosum

Mature size 8-10’ H x 6-8’ W, red coloring on the leaves, cold hardy to 25 degrees, not a true banana plant.

Hardy Fiber, Musa basjoo

Hardy Fiber

Mature size 6-15’ H x 6-15’ W, leaf size up to 6’ long x 2’ wide, cold hardy to -10 degrees.

Zebrina Rojo, Musa acuminata zebrina ‘Rojo’

Zebrina Rojo

Mature size 5-6’ H x 5-6’ W, large green leaves splashed with burgundy-red coloring, reddish stem.

Little Prince, Musa hybrid ‘Little Prince’

little prince

 Mature size 2’ H x 2’ W, Compact with green leaves, great in a container garden.


*Colocasia Esculenta, AKA Taro

Colocasia Esculenta

Mature size 3-6’ H x 3-6’ W, green leaves, conspicuously-veined.

*Colocasia Esculenta ‘Black Magic’

*Colocasia Esculenta ‘Black Magic’

Mature size 3-6’ H x 3-6’ W, smoky purple leaves about 2’ long.

*Colocasia Esculenta ‘Waikiki

*Colocasia Esculenta ‘Waikiki

Mature size 3’ H x 3’ W, glossy green and white with vivid pink veins on dark stems.

*Alocasia Calidora

Alocasia Calidora


Mature size 5-9’ H x 3-5’ W, grows in a vase shape with green, arrow-shaped, ribbed leaves 6’ long x 3’ wide, upward facing leaves indicates sun tolerance.

*Alocasia Odora AKA Night-Scented Lily

*Alocasia Odora AKA Night-Scented Lily

Mature size 4-8’ H x 2-3’ W, brilliant green leaves grow to 2’ long, fragrant at night, sun tolerant

*Alocasia Portora

*Alocasia Portora

Mature size 6-8’ H x 4-6’ W, dramatic green, ribbed leaves, sun tolerant.

When you can’t get to a tropical paradise, just create one in your own back yard.  Bring drama and interest into your landscape or combine smaller versions in containers with summer annuals.  Pay attention to cold weather characteristics of the different varieties you come across and take the necessary action to overwinter them successfully, or simply plant as annuals.  There are SO many tropical plants in addition to these favorites, so come on out to Wingard’s and check them out.  After you’ve planted your tropical accents, relax and play a little Jimmy Buffett music.  Imagine you’re sitting on a beach somewhere on an island in the Carribean and head on over to Margaritaville.

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!


Here’s the scoop on fighting aphids, whiteflies and spider mites:

  • As a preventive measure, use Fertilome Tree & Shrub Drench in the spring. This is a systemic product that is absorbed through the roots and works its way into the plant foliage.  Pests are eliminated as they feed on the leaves.
  • A contact pesticide is best if you actually see these insects on the plant.  We recommend Bayer 3 N 1, which also contains a fungicide and mitecide.  It’s a good product to have on hand for many plant pest problems. It is not oil based, so it is safe to use when temperatures are hot in the summer.
  • Fertilome Spinosad or Spinosad Soap are our organic products.  The “Soap” version also contains Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids (soap), sort of a one-two punch.  Spinosad kills in one way, soap kills in another.
  • For a REALLY natural solution, we will have live lady bugs all summer.   They love aphids, but will also eat other insects…. according to  they eat aphids, scale, mites, mealybugs, small caterpillars, insect eggs and pupae, whiteflies, mites, and psyllids.  WARNING:  DO NOT USE LADY BUGS TOGETHER WITH INSECTICIDE, AS IT WILL KILL THE LADYBUGS.

Surviving the Cold, Our Poor Plants!

Freeze Damaged Distylium Freeze Damaged Gardenia
By Kathy Torres

The Blizzard of 1973, the worst snow storm in South Carolina history! Nearly two feet of snow accumulated in the Midlands in February over a 3-day period, at the average rate of an inch per hour in the first 24 hours. My family had just moved to South Carolina, our driveway was on a slope and we couldn’t get the car up the hill for a week. We never, in our wildest dreams, thought severe winter weather would impact our lives so dramatically in South Carolina. I can’t think of a better example to use to demonstrate the unpredictable and traumatic effect of severe weather. A winter storm of this nature is certainly not the “norm” for us here in South Carolina, but sometimes… it happens! A more recent example of abnormal weather here is the 6-day cold spell we had last Christmas. shows the low temperatures between Dec. 23 and 28, 2022 all below freezing, with 4 nights from 12–18 degrees. Casualties of this cold spell were our power bills and our plants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides a guide for planting by distinguishing zones throughout the country directly related to the average low temperatures. Click HERE for the map. South Carolina is divided into the following zones which include the upstate, midlands, and coast:

Primarily for farmers, this information provides a guide for selecting crops that will grow and thrive in various regions throughout the U.S. In addition, most ornamental (landscape) plant growers provide a zone recommendation, which can usually be found on the plant tag. At Wingard’s, our inventory consists of plant specimens zoned for the Midlands (8a), however, we include some plants that will need to be protected in winter, such as citrus and other tropicals. Keep in mind, the zoning recommendation is provided with the “typical” climate in mind. Because of the possibility of unpredictable severe weather, there is not a guarantee that all plants zoned appropriately will survive. How many times over the years have the peach farmers in SC suffered loss of crops because of a late frost or freeze. If we have our typical seasonal weather, all is good, but Mother Nature can be quite fickle and decide she’s just not yet in the mood for warmer days and nights.

It’s painfully obvious now… many plants that usually do fine in winter here were damaged by the extreme cold we recently experienced, some, even beyond help. Covering vulnerable plants may have helped, but potentially may not have been enough in these lower than normal temperatures, especially with consecutive days. Camellia buds may have dropped without opening into full flowers. Plants such as Palms, especially the Sago, as well as Oleander, Bottle Brush, Farfugium, Acanthus and even Lomandra Breeze ornamental grass are showing signs of damage. I’ve noticed my Mediterranean Palm and Distylium are looking burned. These are plants that typically handle our “normal” cold weather without an issue. I moved my Meyer Lemon to the garage, so it’s ok. There is nothing to do about plant damage right now. Do not prune! Be patient and wait until spring to see if new growth appears. After the danger of frost has passed (usually April), fertilize and prune away the brown foliage. If new growth does not appear, cut a branch or two on the plant to determine if the plant is dead. If the inside of the branch is green, it may just need a little more recovery time. If the inside is brown, you are out of luck. Sometimes, only a portion of the plant may have been affected. Then it’s up to you to determine whether to remove the dead part and see if the plant will regain shape and fullness, or dig it up and start over.

Sometimes plants such as Azaleas, Pittosporum, Hollies, Gardenias, and Mimosa trees won’t reveal winter damage until the heat kicks in about June. If you see branches beginning to yellow and die out this summer, look closely at the bark on the dying branches. If you see the bark has split, this is due to the sap freezing. When the plant tries to function in the summer, it can’t get enough water and nutrients in its stems, so it dies back. If the affected areas are just some of the limbs, you can cut out the dead material and let the plant recover. If the primary trunk is affected, the plant may not survive.

At Wingard’s, we guarantee our plants after purchase, as long as proper planting and care are indicated. We do not, however, guarantee their survival in extreme winter weather. It’s only February, and we may have more cold weather ahead, so here are a few tips for protecting plants that are vulnerable:

  • Do not cover plants with plastic.
  • Cover with sheets, burlap or frost cloth when below freezing temperature is expected.
  • Anchor cloth with bricks or rocks to keep it from blowing off.
  • Remove cover when temperature is above freezing.
  • Wrap plant with outdoor low voltage lights, underneath cover (be sure to turn them off and remove cover when temperature rises above freezing).

Spring is a bit far away at this moment in time, and as much as we want to be outside, it’s often more sensible to stay in. So, in that case, embrace the winter … sit by the fireplace, grab a blanket and a good book, a cup of hot chocolate, and RELAX. Be mindful of any freeze warnings in the weather forecast and cover plants that need protection, but don’t stress over it. And let’s all cross our fingers that Mother Nature is in a good mood for spring 2023!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Wingard’s Lawn Care Program Blog

By Kathy Torres

Happy New Year everyone – here’s to a happy and healthy 2023! January is a time of year for resolutions and organization, a period to begin anew, in which most of us are inspired to make changes and improvements. We were too busy in December, but now it’s time to get back to the gym to the exercise class or workout routine. Taking down the Christmas tree and packing away the decorations encouraged us to clean, organize and put things back the way they were. It’s a time for pondering what is ahead of us in the coming months… tackling a project at work, focusing on a home improvement idea, planning a family vacation, or thinking about your summer garden. This is also the best time of year to get organized and prepared to care for your lawn. You can’t wait until the weather gets warm or you’ll be scrambling to catch up! Lawn care can be over-whelming and complicated, but not if you follow Wingard’s 4-Step Lawn Care Program. Wingard’s has taken all the guess work out of the equation by recommending exactly what is needed for your type of Southern grass and providing the timeline for application of products to keep your lawn looking it’s absolute best during both the dormant and growing seasons.

Wingard’s 4-Step Lawn Care Program was established to provide customers with a SIMPLE, easy-to-follow guide to lawn applications, and has proven to be a dependable, cost-effective solution. A discounted price (25%) is offered if you sign up each year in January and pay for the steps in advance. It’s your choice to either take all the products with you at the time of purchase, or let us hang on to it for you until it’s time for the application. Either way, you will receive an e-mail reminder from Wingard’s to remind you when it’s time to apply. Whether your grass is Centipede, St. Augustine, Bermuda, or Zoysia, our program can help you be the envy of your neighborhood!

You have a homework assignment to complete before you get started. First of all, you need to know what grass or combination of grasses you have in your landscape. It all looks green to you? Bring us a clump and we will try to identify the variety. If we’re stumped, we will refer you to Clemson Extension. Next, measure the square footage of your lawn. A rough estimate is sufficient. In addition, consider having your soil tested, front and back. It’s not absolutely necessary, but will give you the best results. Stop by one of Wingard’s checkout stations to pick up the soil sample bag(s) and form you need to provide for Clemson Extension to test for you. We can also assist you with filling out the form, but you will need to mail the sample to Clemson University or deliver it to the Clemson Extension office in Lexington.

Another important prep is to make sure you have the best type of spreader and that you understand the settings. We highly recommend the broadcast (disperses in a circular motion) versus the drop spreader. Broadcast spreaders provide a more even application, reduce your passes by more than half, and you won’t end up with stripes. Here are a few more spreader specifics:

  • When spreading fertilizer, put the setting a notch or two above half. For example, if there are 20 notches on the spreader, 11-12 would be the setting. You don’t have to cover every square inch of turf to get good results, so if you think that’s too much, drop to a notch below half. With hand-held spreaders, if there are 5 or few settings open it all the way. If a hand-held spreader has 10 or more settings, put the setting a notch or two above half.
  • For pre-emergent herbicides, put the setting on, or a notch above, one quarter. (If there are 20 notches, 5-6 would be the setting.) On hand-held spreaders, if there are 5 or fewer settings lower the setting to 3, or even 2. If a hand-held spreader has 10 or more settings, put the setting on, or a notch above, one quarter. If your gut tells you the dosage is not enough – you don’t think it’s covering the zone that needs to be covered – then up it a notch or two.

Don’t overthink the math on this. You can be off by a notch or two without fear of over doing it. Lastly…always wash your spreader after every use to prevent corrosion.

The 4 STEP PLAN: Each step in Wingard’s Lawn Care Program is designed for the season or time of year and the needs of each type of grass. In addition to the recommended products for weed control, fertilizer, and nutrients, the plan includes the appropriate pH, mowing height, and water needed for each type of grass. There is no “one size fits all” for lawns, however, when a combination of grasses exists, the best solution is typically the care plan for Centipede grass. All of the information on the Lawn Care Plan is available on the Wingard’s Market website. (CLICK HERE).

Just to give you some basics, let’s talk a little about each step:

Step 1: Application of pre-emergent weed control is recommended for February to March, usually when the Forsythia begins to bloom, or when temperatures remain above 65 degrees for 4 consecutive days. Fertilizer is NOT applied this early! The same product is used for all grass types on this application.

Step 2: In April or May, after you have mowed your lawn two times (mowing early-sprouting weeds does not count), it is time for weed & feed. This is applied when grass is fully out of dormancy and ready to absorb and use the fertilizer. The “weed” component will prevent germination of new weeds, but you may need contact weed control for spot treatment of pesky weeds. More about that ahead. This is also time to apply product to prevent this particularly pesky weed… Chamberbitter (CLICK HERE) that shows up in August.

Step 3: The grass is really looking good in June and July because the main ingredient, warm weather, has arrived. The goal now is to give the lawn the nutrients it needs to stay green and healthy. St. Augustine needs an application in June, however, Centipede, Zoysia and Bermuda will wait until July. St. Augustine and Bermuda need iron, which is included in the product for this application. Because of the ideal growing conditions for the grass, the weeds also are on board, so a bit of contact weed control may also be necessary. It is nearly impossible have a completely weed free lawn, but you’ll get as close as you can with this lawn care program.

Step 4: September to October is time to prepare for overwintering the lawn. Another application of pre-emergent weed control is recommended because of the mild temperatures and the ability of some weeds to germinate in cooler weather. For St. Augustine and Bermuda, potash is applied to provide nourishment needed in winter. Step 4 (a) is an optional application of pre-emergent weed control applied in November/December for lawns with Poa Annua (Annual Bluegrass) issues. (CLICK HERE for more info on Poa Annua).

Contact weed control (spot treating for weeds) can be tricky, so it is VERY IMPORTANT to read the label on any product you use. Staff at Wingard’s can provide assistance in identifying a particular specimen, as well as directing you to the appropriate product for your type of grass. There is no “one size fits all” here either!

There are basically 2 kinds of weeds…broadleaf and grassy (the name pretty much describes the beast), and the weed killing products are for either broadleaf weeds or grassy weeds. When spot treating the lawn with products to destroy persistent weeds, you must identify whether broadleaf or grassy first, then find a herbicide that is safe for your type of lawn AND works on that particular type weed. Broadleaf weeds are easier. For most of them, use Fertilome Weed Free Zone, which is safe for all southern grasses. Grassy weeds are more complicated. For Centipede or St. Augustine, use Atrazine, and for Zoysia or Bermuda, use Weed Out w/Crabgrass Killer. The label will indicate which weeds are controlled. There are some very determined specimens like nutsedge that need a more specific product like Weed-Out with Nutsedge Control. When in doubt, ask one of Wingard’s knowledgeable staff.

Now, if all that weed talk makes you scratch your head, don’t panic. It’s just an example of the complexities of lawn care. From nutrition to fertilizer to weed control, there is a lot to know. Educating yourself is key to success in just about everything, so don’t be discouraged, just push up your sleeves and meet the challenge. OF COURSE…if you want to make lawn care just a little easier, rely on Wingard’s 4-Step Lawn Care Plan to give you an outline to follow. We still want you to learn, but we will lead you through the process!

Take some time to review the plan at then give us a call or come in and sign up for the pre-pay option in January. You’ll save a few dollars AND be reminded of the exact time to make appropriation applications for your lawn. That means less doing and thinking for you and more time for those other New Year’s resolutions and projects!

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

The Classic Camellia

Camellia sasanqua ‘Shishigashira’ (Kathy’s)

Camellia sasanqua ‘Shishigashira’ (Kathy’s)

By Kathy Torres

Cherished in southern gardens, the Camellia has no actual “native” significance here. In fact, its journey began in the ancient temple gardens of the Orient. Before the westernization of Japan, Camellia, known as “Tsubaki” or “tree with shining leaves” was believed to provide a home for the gods in spirit form when on an earthly visit. Plantings of Tsubaki were an essential feature of temple gardens, graveyards, and other areas associated with religious life in the community. Camellia is the symbol of love in Eastern culture. The reason is due to the inseparable parts of the flower, which represents everlasting love. In Korea, camellia has been a part of traditional wedding ceremonies since 1200 BC because it symbolizes happiness, longevity, and faithfulness. We may find OUR historical connection to the Camellia through the most economically important species, Camellia sinensis, the common tea plant. The East India Company brought tea from China to Europe where it became very popular in London in the 1700’s. I think you’ll remember the next part of this story. Tea becomes universally popular, the government decides to tax it, leading to the Boston Tea Party, and the American Revolution. So…while one of our favorite southern plants is not native, it is “rooted” in our history!

The Camellia was named by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), in honor of a Jesuit missionary, pharmacist and naturalist in the Phillipines, Joseph Kamel. Linnaeus is known for developing the binomial system of nomenclature used to classify plants (the idea that all organisms should be described by only two Latin words: one denoting its genus, and another its species). The Camellia genus now includes over 260 species and over 30,000 ornamental varieties according to the International Camellia Society. Thanks to the beauty of their flowers, ornamental camellias have spread from Asia to the whole world.

Camellias flourish in the southeastern United States, where winter temperatures are typically mild. Some new varieties may be cold hardy, but often the blooms will be smaller, especially if temperatures drop quickly below 28 degrees. Lucky for us in South Carolina, the climate is perfect! If you’re on the lake, however, it’s a good idea to plant in an area that has some protection from the wind, and in any landscape, be mindful of too much afternoon sun exposure.

The two species most prevalent in our area of the country are Camellia japonica and Camellia sasanqua. Both are evergreen, have glossy leaves and grow fairly slow (sasanquas, a bit faster than japonicas). The descriptions below note the differences.

  • Camellia japonica varieties typically reach 6-12 ft. tall; the leaves are large, 3-4 inches long; they prefer more shade (however, in dense shade, blooming may be hampered; morning sun, afternoon shade, or filtered sun is best); and they bloom December to March.
  • Camellia sasanqua varieties are usually smaller in size, some only 3-4 ft. tall at maturity, but some may reach 10 ft. The leaves are smaller, 2-3 inches; they can handle more sun; and they bloom in the fall.

Other species exist like Camellia vernalis, a hybrid between japonica and sasanqua, but very few are known. Camellia reticulata were brought over from southern China in the 1940’s and have the largest of all camellia flowers. Mentioned earlier, Camellia sinensis is the common tea plant. It grows well, but the blooms are not significant as an ornamental. Camellia oleifera, was used for its oil in China and Japan and is used in the US as a parent in hybrid varieties. Camellia chrysantha or nitidissima has been used successfully in hybridizing yellow camellias, however, it is not cold hardy. There are many Camellia hybrids that combine features resulting in more colors, bloom types, fragrances, and hardiness. Selecting a Camellia is one of the most difficult plant choices to make because there are SO MANY in beautiful shades of red, pink, yellow and white. The American Camellia Society has established official classifications of the flower forms for Camellias. A variety of flower forms is just another attractive feature of this shrub.

Class I, SINGLE, One row of not over eight regular, irregular, or loose petals and conspicuous stamens

Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight

Class II, SEMI-DOUBLE, Two or more rows of regular, irregular, or loose petals and conspicuous stamens

Greensboro Red

Greensboro Red

Greensboro Red

Class III, ANEMONE, One or more rows of large outer petals lying flat or undulating; the center a convex mass of intermingled petaloids and stamens

Victory White

Victory White

Victory White

Class IV, PEONY, A deep rounded flower of either a Loose Peony Form consisting of loose petals, which may be irregular, and intermingled stamens, and sometimes intermingled petals, petaloids, and stamens in the center (Betty Sheffield) or a Full Peony Form consisting of a convex mass of mixed irregular petals, petaloids, and stamens or irregular petals and petaloids never showing stamens (Debutante).

Betty Sheffield

Betty Sheffield

Betty Sheffield




Class V, ROSE FORM DOUBLE, Imbricated (layered like scales) petals, showing stamens in a concave center when fully opened




Class VI, FORMAL DOUBLE, Fully imbricated, many rows of petals, never showing stamens.

Guest Star

Guest Star

Guest Star

Fall is the best time for planting Camellias, and Wingard’s is stocked up right now with a large selection for you. All of the varieties shown above are available and many more! Make sure you add soil amendment if you have clay or sandy soil. Mulch and water weekly after planting if we don’t get a good rain. Don’t fertilize until next spring. Not much pruning is needed with Camellias, except for occasional shaping – do this after blooming. Keep an eye on foliage in the summertime. Humidity and overhead watering can cause fungus. Try to stay on top of it and spray as needed before buds begin to form.

Camellias bloom about the time we are removing our summer annuals and feeling the loss of all that rich, bright color in the yard. As we face the bleakness of winter, it’s so nice to bring in lovely Camellia blooms and float them in a shallow vase, or just enjoy them as they appear on the shrubbery. They also make a wonderful Christmas gift for a friend, especially a new homeowner. With their rich history and distinct characteristics, Camellias add so much beauty and elegance to the landscape. Even though its native homeland is far, far away, it remains a classic in the southern garden.

Here’s a little something extra that I found in my research…

The University of South Carolina has one of the major collections in the United States of rare, illustrated books about the camellia, it’s history, cultivation, and early varieties. The collection was formed by Mrs. Sheffield Phelps (Claudia Lea) of Aiken. Mrs. Phelps was the first president of the Garden Club of South Carolina (1930-33), and her daughter Miss Claudia Lea Phelps succeeded her as the Club’s third president (1936-38). The exhibition tells the story of how camellias were brought to America, how they were identified and named, and how the major varieties were developed by 19th-century specialist growers. It includes some of the very earliest published depictions of the camellia, from as far back as 1702, as well as gorgeous hand-colored copperplate engravings from the heyday of camellia books in the early and mid-19th century.

How cool is that?

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Bird Seed – Get it right!

bird standing on bird feeder
By Kathy Torres

No fewer than 63.1 million people fed birds in their backyards in 1991, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, $2 billion was spent on bird seed alone, a figure that does not include money spent on bird feeders and other equipment (reported by The Washington Post – Click HERE for the article.) I believe it’s a safe bet that the numbers have only increased in the last decade and that birding is alive and flourishing in the United States standing firmly in the outdoor recreation economy.

Turning our homes into our playgrounds became very popular recently, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only did we spend more time at home, but we also spent more money on our landscapes, gardens, etc. to enhance our experience while stuck at home. The appeal of a bird feeder or two, combined with a bird bath, also inspired us, as our interest in the beautiful wildlife right around us expanded. Of course, as the numbers above illustrate, there was a hefty population already on the birding bandwagon. It’s certainly not new, and a hobby enjoyed by many, but the interest has risen to new heights. Humans seem to be realizing the pleasure and reward found in observing and caring for birds, our charming neighbors of many colors, sounds, and characteristics!

The Post also reported “when just two bird fanciers get together, they can talk at length about the relative merits of different kinds of bird seed and the myriad ways to foil squirrels bent on snatching seed. Further, bird fanciers proudly list the kinds of birds that visit their backyard feeders as if they were counting precious pearls.” The variety of birding merchandise available to the consumer in local garden centers has opened up a whole new world of choices for bird enthusiasts. Because it has become so popular, new creativity in products available has emerged on store shelves over recent years, providing an upgrade in feeders and seed, and the conclusion is that the benefits of spending a little more are definitely worthwhile.

Many of us have learned the hard way, that good seed is a must in our feeders. The first feeder that I added to my yard was quite inexpensive and so was the seed I purchased. I had no clue what was in it or what varieties of birds it would attract. What I realized quickly, was that a lot of the seed was being discarded, creating a lovely patch of weeds under the feeder. The last thing you want is for the seed to create a mess. The primary reasons this happens are… (1) Seeds may have inedible hard outer shells. Birds crack open the shell to get to the meaty kernel inside while the outer hulls drop to the ground below, and (2) Not all birds like all seeds or foods. Birds will eat their favorite first and throw the rest out of the feeder and onto the ground. Buying a better seed or seed mix gives you more bang for your buck and cuts down on creating additional work for yourself cleaning up the ground around the feeder.

So, what is better birdseed? If you want to keep it simple but attract a variety of birds, black oil sunflower seed reigns supreme in the backyard bird-feeding world and is a great way to get started. (There will be some cleanup of the discarded shells, so, if you would rather not go there, consider the shelled version.) “Black oil sunflower seeds are related to regular sunflower seeds, but they’ve been cultivated to have a higher fat content,” says John Rowden, the senior director of bird-friendly communities at the National Audubon Society. For more information on black oil sunflower seed, including what birds it attracts, check out the Birds and Blooms website HERE.

When selecting quality seeds, you’ll find combinations that attract a variety of birds, as well as seeds created to attract specific birds, for instance, thistle, for finches. If you’re a beginner, it’s wise to choose the “one size fits all” version, then as you gain experience, you may wish to add a feeder with a more selective following. Most important in selecting good bird seed is making sure it doesn’t contain a lot of stuff the birds DON’T eat. Many of the less expensive seed combinations have large portions of milo, a cheap grain harvested from the sorghum plant. It is used as “filler” and most backyard birds don’t like it. Here’s an easy GUIDE from Cornell University Ornithology Labs to give you some direction on seed types to look for and the birds they attract.

The easy path to good seed will take you to Wings-n-Things, Wingard’s Birding Department, located in the Produce Market, where you will find Cole’s Wild Bird Seed brand. Like Wingard’s, Cole’s is a family business with an interesting history. To read all about it, click HERE. Their philosophy is “Birds can be very picky eaters and if you put out the wrong feed, they’ll snub their noses at you and move on to your neighbor’s feeder looking for something better.” Cole’s offers quality seeds that will bring you success at the feeder with ingredients, thoughtfully produced to meet the wants and needs of many different species of birds. The seed contains no added synthetics, no added chemicals, and no artificial flavors. And most importantly, the birds love it, so you won’t be wasting your money!

Cole’s Wild Bird Seed has a great website to access all the information you need on their products, Check it out and if you have any questions, call Zach Steinhauser, Wingard’s wildlife conservationist, and he will get you headed in the right direction. In the meantime, here are a few of the Cole’s seed products at Wingard’s, just to get you familiar.

blue ribbon blend coles bird food

BLUE RIBBON BLEND: Contains sunflower, white millet and cracked corn. Guaranteed to bring the best combination of perch and ground feeding birds.
Attracts: Cardinals, titmice, chickadees, Goldfinches, juncos, White-throated sparrows, Indigo Bunting, wrens, grosbeaks, woodpeckers, towhees

blazing hot blend coles bird food

BLAZING HOT BLEND: traditional mix with most preferred seeds of backyard songbirds, combined with a habanero chili oil formula to discourage squirrels. Harmless to birds.
Attracts: Woodpeckers, grosbeaks, buntings, cardinals, chickadees, bluebirds, goldfinches, song sparrows, titmice, wrens

sunflower meats coles bird food

SUNFLOWER MEATS: No waste, no mess, pure sunflower. You will get more feed per pound and no messy hulls to clean up. Perfect for decks and balconies.
Attracts: Bluebirds, chickadees, cardinals, titmice, finches, woodpeckers, wrens, buntings, grosbeaks, towhees, nuthatches, song sparrows, and doves

safflower bird seed coles bird food

SAFFLOWER: Favorite of Cardinals. Squirrels and large “nuisance” birds don’t like it!
Attracts: Cardinals, nuthatches, titmice, and chickadees

blue ribbon blend coles bird food

SUET BLUE RIBBON BLEND: Bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, warblers, buntings, nuthatches, woodpeckers, wrens
Attracts: Cardinals, nuthatches, titmice, and chickadees

Cole’s DOES NOT use filler seeds like Milo, Wheat, Red Millet, Flax, or old crop leftovers. Only the top 1-2% of each crop is used and cleaned a minimum of 4 times to ensure you get good quality seed – not sticks and dirt. Seeds are kept as close to a natural state as possible and never washed with chemicals or oil to make them look better.

As winter approaches, it’s time to think about helping the birds get through. By providing food, we can increase their capability to survive and flourish. And while giving this aid, we are paid back in full, and then some, by the beauty of wildlife right in our own backyards. If you really get the birdwatching fever, you can participate in Cornell’s FeederWatch tracking program. The season begins November 1. FeederWatch – Count Feeder Birds for Science.

Just to entice you, take a look and listen HERE.

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

The Language of Plants

By Kathy Torres

I think I inherited the “gardening gene” from my Grandmother and my Dad. As a young girl, I witnessed my Grandmother’s love of roses. When my sister and I visited in the summer, we watched her tend to her small rose garden, and after the work was completed, she would bring in her cuttings, fill a vase and place it on the kitchen table. In the fall, we also helped collect the pecans that had fallen from the two enormous pecan trees in the front yard. Then, of course, we helped to “crack and pick” them, munching on a few here and there. In his later years, my Dad built a greenhouse where he spent time in the spring rooting clippings and making gorgeous hanging baskets that he gave to friends and neighbors (and daughters). He even sold a few. He was especially proud of the Christmas cactus baskets that he would deliver in full bloom during the holidays. I cherish these memories. I didn’t realize it then, but these experiences and, maybe, that “gardening gene” stoked some kind of CRAZY desire in me to dig in the dirt and tend to the trees, bushes, and flowers. And, tomato plants! Either way, I began to notice, appreciate and understand the language of plants.

Plants really do speak to us in what they represent, how they make us feel, and the messages we apply to them. Actual flower codes were established in the Victorian era. During a time when social etiquette (for the upper class) was quite restrictive. A nosegay or tussie-mussie, a combination of flowers and herbs, was a popular choice when expressing interest in a particular young lady. Suitors presented tussie-mussies and watched to see if the recipient held it at heart level, indicating happiness and acceptance. Holding the bouquet pointing downward was a sign of rejection. Not only did a certain flower have significance, but colors also expressed variations in intent or emotions. Even today, a red rose is considered an expression of passionate or true love, a pink rose is a sign of affection, white roses are associated with purity, and yellow roses with friendship. Several floral dictionaries were published to explain the secret language of flowers (floriography). Sweet freesia signifies trust and friendship in floriography. Thrift or armeria symbolizes sympathy. Hollyhocks stand for fruitfulness and ambition. The earliest flower dictionary was written in Paris in 1819; it was titled, Le Language de Fleursand. In 1879, a book written by Miss Corruthers of Inverness, became the guide to the meanings behind flowers throughout England and the United States.

Understanding the characteristics of plants guides us to place them properly, understand their family history and relation to other species. Another way of looking at the language of plants is through botanical names, a Latin combination of at least two names that have been assigned to every single plant in creation. Many of the Latin names translate in English so that we recognize the meaning. For instance, Juniperus horizontalis is a Juniper that spreads over the ground. If the second word in the botanical name is odoratum or odoratissimum it is fragrant. Color is sometimes identified… Red is rubrum, as in the red maple (Acer rubrum); purple is purpureus; white is albus. For most of us who are limited in our understanding of Latin, the common name, is how we identify plants, but unless the color is included, the name doesn’t tell us much. The common name is more like any other name; it is a title, not necessarily a description. Magnolia, Azalea, Boxwood, are a few examples. Educating ourselves and becoming familiar with a plant’s name and features allows us to get acquainted and connect. Various ideals and characteristics are often associated with certain plants, and they are given as gifts in that spirit. Here are a few in the house plant category symbolizing a particular theme or intention:

Air Plant (Tillandsia) – Freedom and creativity – For people who like change or live in small spaces.

Bonsai (Juniperus procumbens) – Harmony, wisdom, and calm – For someone who needs more balance in their life.

Cactus (Cactaceae) – Protection and endurance – For someone who is very determined or going through a tough time.

Ficus (Ficus microcarpa) – Abundance and peace – For someone who is a leader to symbolize unity and success.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii) – Good fortune and longevity – For someone who is entering a new chapter in life.

Money Tree (Pachira aquatica) – Wealth and good fortune – For someone who is career-driven or starting a new business.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) – Peace and sympathy – For someone who went through a recent loss or needs a reminder of peace in their life.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) – Cleanliness and tenacity – For someone who is creative or as a housewarming gift because it naturally purifies the air.

Succulent (Sedum morganianum) – Loyalty and endurance – For someone who’s trustworthy and always there for you.

If you’d like to go further with this, check out these plants and what they symbolize. Click HERE.

The holidays are the best example of plants sharing a message. Lilies give us the hope of spring at Easter. Mums, pansies and brilliant fall leaves remind us it is time to be thankful, and then Christmas! Nothing makes the home feel more festive than bright red Poinsettias, fresh wreaths, Christmas cactus, and of course, the fresh cut Fraser Fir. The Christmas tree is a focal point in our home that holds cherished ornaments and warms our hearts with bright lights and feelings of nostalgia. It may take us back to years past and sometimes we may even drift back to childhood. Nature softens the harshness of the world in a way that we really need at these busy times. And what better way to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” than by giving a live plant as a gift.

Life presents many joys and sorrows. Plants are often a messenger of love, thanks, congratulations, best wishes, holiday greetings, as well as sympathy, to provide encouragement as we navigate through our time on earth. Not only do plants help us to convey our feelings, they often help us hold on to a memory. For instance, the first time your special guy sent roses, the chrysanthemum corsage you wore to Homecoming, the pink carnations sent by friends when your daughter was born, the tree you planted when you bought your first home, the rose bush sent by a friend when you lost someone you love. My Mom passed away a few years ago and a friend sent a miniature yellow rose plant. It was about 8 inches tall. I have tried to take particularly good care of it over the years and have since transplanted it at least 3 times; it’s now about 3 feet tall. The small yellow roses are a beautiful reminder of my Mom and the friend who gave the plant to me.

Plants are accents we use to soften and enhance the look and feel of our homes, both inside and out. Garden rooms are created to entertain, spend time with family, to enjoy quiet time alone. Of course, it’s about making a pretty landscape, curb appeal, etc. but at the root is our intention to provide a “welcoming” environment. If our shrubs, trees, and flowers could speak, I believe that is what they would say. Plants make us feel happiness and joy; they feed us, give us a wonderful hobby, all the while painting a picture that accents important times in our lives. Receiving good wishes from others or sending good wishes, feeling satisfaction and joy from working the garden is hearing the language. Investing yourself in the flower bed or the vegetable garden or simply creating a collection of container gardens offers a relationship with nature, a connection to growth and beauty. Through caring for the plants you maintain a sort of friendship, which, like human relationships, thrives with care or suffers with neglect. Think about extending that friendship to a neighbor by giving away plants you are dividing. Sharing brings joy on both ends. I had a special friend, Mrs. Carrie, who taught me all about day lilies years ago. She gave me quite a few from her garden. When they bloom, I think of her and how she inspired me. That’s the language of plants.

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!

Northern Cardinal – The Infamous Red Bird

Chances are you have probably received a Christmas card illustrating a snowy white landscape as the backdrop for a barren tree or fence post holding a bright red cardinal.   The Northern Cardinal, AKA Red Bird, is common throughout the eastern United States from Maine to Florida, continuing north into Canada, and west to southern Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, and the eastern half of Mexico. It’s hard to take your eyes off the male Northern Cardinal, with its brilliant red feathers, black mask, and orange/red beak.  The female is a buff golden-tan with a red tinge to the wings and tail, with a smaller, less distinct mask.  Both genders have a prominent head crest that can be raised and lowered to indicate the bird’s mood. 

When spring arrives, one of the first songbirds noticed is the Northern Cardinal. Males, in particular, may sing throughout the year, though the peak of singing is in spring and early summer. Males often sing to scare away the competition when courting.  Few female North American songbirds sing, but the female Northern Cardinal does, and often while sitting on the nest. This may give the male information about when to bring food to the nest. A mated pair shares song phrases, but the female may sing a longer and slightly more complex song than the male. The cardinal repertoire includes sounds like what cheer, what cheer, what cheer or purty, purty, purty.  For a sampling, click HERE.

Cardinal couples typically mate for life and produce up to 3 clutches of eggs in a season.  These birds bond over a feeding courtship ritual in which the female bird mimics the behavior of a nestling and the male bird offers her seeds or berries in a kiss-like gesture.  The male becomes aggressive in his protection of his territory and is known to engage in a battle with his own reflection.  If you ever see a cardinal hitting a window over and over, that’s what is happening.  The female cardinal builds the nest, usually 3-10 feet above the ground in a dense tree or shrub. While the female tends the nest, the male cares for her by bringing food and guarding against predators.  Both parents tend to the cardinal chicks, and even after the chicks have matured, they stay together as a family.

When given the opportunity, cardinals will feed on a wide variety of insects, however 90% of their food intake is sourced from weed seeds, fruits, grains and berries.  Many of the foods contain carotenoids, the source of phytonutrients like beta-carotene and lutein.  Cardinals have an enzyme that converts yellow carotenoids to red before depositing them in the feathers.  Some cardinals have a defect that fails to convert the carotenoids, causing the birds to have yellow feathers instead of red.  Cardinals will forage while hopping on the ground or in low bushes, and sometimes higher in trees.  They readily come to bird feeders, where they favor sunflower and safflower seeds. Because they do not migrate, it is likely your cardinal visitors will return to the same feeders.

An interesting fact about the Northern Cardinal….it is the State Bird in 7 states in the US.  Those states are: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.  Northern Cardinals are also associated with a great deal of folklore, legends, and spiritual beliefs in many different cultures. It is common folklore that a visit from a cardinal represents a sign from a loved one who has passed.  Birds have often symbolized heavenly visitors, messengers to the gods, or even the gods themselves in feathered form. This belief has been part of ancient Egyptian, Celtic, Maori, Irish, and Hindu spiritualism, as well as the lore and legends of many Native American tribes.  Cardinals are often associated with romance, and it is believed that if you are single and see a cardinal, romance is in your near future. At the same time, if you are in a relationship and a cardinal crosses your path, it is said to be a reminder to honor your partner and remember the romance that brought you together. 

If you haven’t been charmed by the Northern Cardinal or another of the birding community in your yard, you’re missing out.  Get acquainted by installing a feeder somewhere in a spot that you can view from your porch, deck, or window.  You’ll be in awe when you see that male cardinal sitting on the bare tree branch or the fence post…so beautiful, with or without the snow!

Visit Wings & Things, the Birding Department in the Wingard’s Produce Market, select a feeder and grab a bag of Cole’s Birdseed.  While Cardinals will eat a variety of seeds, safflower is one of their favorites.  Safflower is also a lifesaver for those having trouble with squirrels or large “nuisance” birds. Since most squirrels and blackbirds don’t like the bitter taste, it is an easy way to send a message to any undesirable visitors. 

There’s Always Something Blooming at Wingard’s!